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A measure represents a metric type to be recorded. For example, request latency in µs and request size in KBs are examples of measures to collect from a server.


All measures are identified by a name and also have a description and a unit. Libraries and frameworks can define and export measures for their end users to collect data on the provided measures.

Constituent Description Example Restrictions
Name a string by which the measure will be referred to by “rpc_server_latency”, “vm_cpu_cycles” MUST be unique within the library. It is recommended to use names compatible with the intended end usage e.g. use host/path pattern
Description a string detailing the purpose of the measure “RPC latency in milliseconds”, “Virtual cycles executed on a VM
Unit a string descriptive of the unit of the Measure “By”, “1”, “ms” MUST follow Unified code for units of


OpenCensus currently supports two types of measures

Type Description
Int64 Records int-like values
Float64 Records float-like values

Recording measurements

Measurements are produced by recording a numeric value with a Measure usually in a tagContext

Source code example

package main

import (

func main() {
	mLatencyMs = stats.Float64("latency", "The latency in milliseconds", "ms")
	mLines = stats.Int64("lines_in", "The number of lines processed", "1")
	mBytesIn = stats.Int64("bytes_in", "The number of bytes received", "By")

	// Invoking .M produces measurements that we then record against
	// a context "ctx" with tags.
package io.opencensus.metrics.snippet;

import io.opencensus.stats.Measure.MeasureDouble;
import io.opencensus.stats.Measure.MeasureLong;
import io.opencensus.stats.Stats;
import io.opencensus.stats.StatsRecorder;

public class JavaSnippet {
    private static final MeasureDouble M_LATENCY_MS = MeasureDouble.create("latency", "The latency in milliseconds", "ms");
    private static final MeasureLong M_LINES = MeasureLong.create("lines_in", "The number of lines processed", "1");
    private static final MeasureLong M_BYTES_IN = MeasureLong.create("bytes_in", "The number of bytes received", "By");

    private static final StatsRecorder STATS_RECORDER = Stats.getStatsRecorder();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Record the values, having already added tags in the current context
                .put(M_LATENCY_MS, 17.0)
                .put(M_LINES, 238)
                .put(M_BYTES_IN, 7000)
#/usr/bin/env python

from opencensus.stats import stats
from opencensus.stats import measure

def main():
    m_latency_ms = measure.MeasureFloat("latency", "The latency in milliseconds", "ms")
    m_lines = measure.MeasureInt("lines_in", "The number of lines processed", "1")
    m_bytes_in = measure.MeasureInt("bytes_in", "The number of bytes received", "By")

    mmap = stats.Stats().stats_recorder.new_measurement_map()
    mmap.measure_float_put(m_latency_ms, 17)
    mmap.measure_int_put(m_lines, 238)
    mmap.measure_int_put(m_bytes_in, 7000)

    # Record the measurements against tags in "tmap"

if __name__ == '__main__':
#include "opencensus/stats/stats.h"

opencensus::stats::MeasureDouble LatencyMsMeasure() {
    static const auto measure = opencensus::stats::MeasureDouble::Register(
            "latency", "The latency in milliseconds", "ms");
    return measure;

opencensus::stats::MeasureInt64 LinesMeasure() {
    static const auto measure = opencensus::stats::MeasureInt64::Register(
            "lines_in", "The number of lines processed", "1");
    return measure;

opencensus::stats::MeasureInt64 BytesInMeasure() {
    static const auto measure = opencensus::stats::MeasureInt64::Register(
            "bytes_in", "The number of bytes received", "By");
    return measure;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
            {LatencyMsMeasure(), 17.0},
            {LinesMeasure(), 238},
            {BytesInMeasure(), 7000}
import { globalStats, MeasureUnit } from "@opencensus/core";

const mLatencyMs = globalStats.createMeasureDouble("latency", MeasureUnit.MS, "The latency in milliseconds");
const mBytesIn = globalStats.createMeasureInt64("size", MeasureUnit.BYTE, "The number of bytes received");

const measurement1 = {measure: mLatencyMs, value: 17};
const measurement2 = {measure: mBytesIn, value: 7000};

globalStats.record([measurement1, measurement2]);

Relation to Measurements

When a Measure records a value, it produces a Measurement.

Relation to Views

A View couples the Measurement produced by a Measure, with an Aggregation and optionally Tags to produce metrics.


Resource URL
Unified code for units of measure
Measure in the specs specs/Record.Measure
Go Measures stats.Measure
Java Measures stats.Measure
Python Measures stats.measure.Measure
C++ Measures stats/measure.h
Node.js Measures stats.Measure